Green recovery after COVID

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COVID-19 and the measures implemented to curb its spread have created a nearly unprecedent economic shock with unique characteristics. As coincidental demand and supply shocks have impacted the global economy governments got a blank cheque to help support people's livelihoods and to keep businesses afloat. Through multiple publications, often using modelling exercises, we have showed that there is a possibility for the recovery process to reach its socioeconomic aims while making progress towards sustainability as well. If we included modelling in the analysis we have mostly used the E3ME-FTT model.

This paper, commissioned by PAGE and UNEP, summarizes many aspects of our thinking at the time on the subject:

Papers / posts:

And then, if you would rather listen, here I speak about some of these results:

Results about potential green recovery in Visegrad countries are interactive with Infogram, you can see it here.

And now some figures, because figures are cool and helpful:


We also show, for example how different green policies align with economic recovery objectives:


and that green policies can boost employment in sectors where COVID has caused the largest job losses


*and analysed outcomes for individual countries: Hungary*


*as well as recovery policy archetype outcomes for individual countries: Indonesia*


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